46 supported projects
505 applicants
5.6 Million Euros funding support distributed
35 open-source solutions developed
~77% of the supported teams gained new clients since joining DAPSI
~92% of the supported teams would recommend DAPSI to other startups

We put the power of data back to people’s hands by solving Data Portability challenges in the following domains:


facilitate switches between service providers


empower users to transfer a complete data set or parts of it to any new provider without giving reasons


more transparent personal data storage and a more fine-grained data transfer when exercising personal data access rights


empower users to share their data with any service provider and host that they trust


ensure the security & privacy of consumers when their personal data are transferred from one provider to another


solve relevant challenges in the Data and Service portability field


NGI DAPSI has supported 46 top-notch projects in the data portability field, selected through three open calls. Click on the projects displayed below to learn more about these innovative solutions!


ALIAS makes GDPR programmable.


Based is a next generation scalable real time graph data platform.


Biometric Data Interchange.

Checkpipe Charlie

Checkpipe Charlie is a tool for describing and validating data.


CLISK aims at developing an open-source personal robot system to easily retrieve your data, on your request, on your device.


Orchestrator for Confidential Computing Workload Deployment.

Content Libraries and Editing

Enabling novel reuse of online learning content.


Collaboration suite, end-to-end encrypted and open-source.


Allow organizations to process personal data without having to access or collect it on their systems based on the user’s consent through the “Data Cage”.

DASI Breaker

DAta SIlos Breaker: A Semantic Open Interoperability Solution to Break Down Data Silos.

DEIP: Discourse Events Integration Plugin

Discourse Events Integration Plugin.

DiDaPOSC: Diabetes Data Portability through Open-Source Components

Technical implementation of diabetes data sharing and interoperability.

Digital Immunization Passport

Human-centric Vaccination & Immunization Management using Verifiable Credentials.


SSI-based digital passport to facilitate data portability in the housing rental sector.


Data analyses with privacy in mind.


Collaborative Offline-first Software Framework.

End-to-End Encryption for /e/

Project will research and implement end-to-end encryption for the /e/ cloud, so that data migration and data sharing become more secure for users.


Delta Chat E-mail Provider Portability Directory.


A federation proxy for software development forges.


Federated service platform for domain driven application development.


Interoperable Data Portability Support for Developing Privacy-Aware P2P Applications.


Improving Data Interoperability by bridging Standards using human-centric Semantics.

Interoperability improvements to LibreOffice Technology & Collabora Online

Development of a selection of missing interoperability features in LibreOffice Technology & Collabora Online.


Free form software.

Maemo Leste

A free and open source mobile experience.


WeKan multiple Import/Export/Sync to UI Designer.


Personal energy data service portability and innovation platform.

OKH P&I : Open Know-How data standard for Portability & Interoperability

Portability and interoperability of hardware designs through new Open Know-How standards and tools.


OpenPKG is a decentralised data provenance system for improved governance and portability of personal data.


Open export of data across different systems and providers.

OPF: Open Provisioning Framework

Analysis and standardization of user provisioning for email and groupware systems and services.


Energy data exchange platform.


Open access publishing platform.

PDS migrator

Move/copy data between Solid pods and leave breadcrumbs.

Place: the open personal knowledge server

An open source personal knowledge server, powered by Atomic Data.


Alternative phone operating system based on Linux, which aims to give people back control of their existing smartphones by focusing on privacy, security, and sustainability.

Profibit – make your data profitable

Generating profit from Semantically enabled Control and Portability of Personal Data.


Provenance-aware Querying and Generation for Interoperable and Transparent Data Transfer.


Human-centric Legal Infrastructure for Data Portability.


Secure-by-design Communication Protocols.


Selective IoT data sharing.

Self-aware data security for digital data sovereignty

Self-aware data security for digital data sovereignty.


Self-Sovereign Identity Description, Discovery and Interoperability.


Telematics Data Interoperability Platform.

UI Transfer

A Complete Solution for the “User Initiated Inter-Controller and Continuous Data Transfer” Pattern.


Improving access and portability of XMPP accounts between providers.

You are just a click away from our knowledge base – the list of public resources related to the area of data portability


It is clear that Europeans are entitled to control their data. Now we need to move to implementation, looking at the technologies which will allow us to maximise the social value of data.

Olivier BRINGER - Head of the Next Generation Internet Unit - DG CONNECT, EC

Data Portability is the new exciting market opportunity made reality by GDPR.

Eric POL - aNewGovernance

Our project benefited from the DAPSI program significantly by giving us structure, guidance and funding that pushed us to another level. We recommend participating in DAPSI to speed up your data related projects.

Arttu Huhtiniemi - Checkpipe Charlie project

DAPSI offered us balanced coaching sessions and a clear project plan that guided us through the five months to create a prototype that is now being actively discussed and evaluated in various communities and institutions.

Christoph Fabianek - Digital Immunization Passport project

Our participation in DAPSI’s first phase was significantly beneficial for Domi’s progress. In addition to the funding, which gave us the resources to grow our team and push forward our technical development, the business coaching was extremely helpful in unblocking many fundamental uncertainties we faced in trying to move forward as an early-stage startup and develop meaningful practical strategies to move forward with confidence.

Katrie Lowe - Domi project

One of the most valuable tools that DAPSI provided us was business training and coaching! The business training was a great learning experience; it covered techniques from building a product to go-to-market strategies. This training was central to developing our business strategy. We are super happy with our personalized business coaches!

Carola Compá - DPella project

DAPSI has been really useful for our team, it helped fine-tune the long-term business strategy and our business mentor gave us the insight we needed to go from a concept to a workable roadmap and plan. This complemented with the training has really boosted our project towards success.

Miguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán - IDADEV-P2P project

Our participation in the DAPSI program provided us with a well-rounded support environment, significantly contributing to the successful development of the OpenPKG prototype. Takeaways from both business and technical trainings served as valuable input throughout our development journey.

Jurij Skornik - OpenPKG project

Overall, we really value our participation in the first DAPSI phase. The concurrent race with the other contestants provided a constant feedback loop and allowed us to more consciously create a product from state-of-the-art technology. DAPSI allowed us to zoom out and take the bigger picture into account, whilst also providing the means to technically advance our product.

Ben De Meester - PROV4ITDATA project

The DAPSI programme contributed greatly to the success of Digita and even Solid. This is because it gave us the resources to design and develop a component for the Solid ecosystem which has proven to be essential for the ecosystem’s adoption: a legal framework for applications in Europe.

Tom Haegemans - UI-Transfer project