About the project
Project Name: Checkpipe Charlie
Checkpipe Charlie is a tool for describing and validating data.
Team: Heeren Sharma, Jukka Huhtala, Matias Dahl, Arttu Huhtiniemi
We believe that data documentation should not only provide a human-readable description of the data, but it also should be sufficiently detailed so that a service can validate data against the description. Describing the data properly has the positive side effects that it makes the data more transparent, improves privacy and security audit possibilities. By enforcing the use of a formal data description, Checkpipe Charlie improves interoperability and transparency of data.
Achievements from the first phase of the DAPSI programme
We clarified our business vision and product with the help of DAPSI mentoring.
We were able to complete our first customer pilot. Finding the pilot was aided by DAPSI promoting our selection in the program.
The tech mentoring helped us push towards the milestones that we had agreed to achieve.
Our project benefited from the DAPSI program significantly by giving us structure, guidance and funding that pushed us to another level. We recommend participating in DAPSI to speed up your data related projects.
Arttu Huhtiniemi