DAPSI final event at Apidays Paris – our final data portability adventure!
After three years of this exciting data portability voyage, the NGI DAPSI project is about to come to an end. Therefore, with mixed emotions of happiness, sadness and prudence, we are announcing the DAPSI FINAL EVENT, which will take place from 14th to 16th of December in Paris, at the Apidays conference.
About the event
Apidays in Paris is the in-person and virtual conference that will assemble more than 3000 attendees, 650 companies and 200 speakers on more than 100 sessions about society, software, sustainability, sovereignty and data portability.
As a part of this major conference, the DAPSI FINAL EVENT will gather members of the DAPSI community as well as innovators that have participated in one of the three cohorts of the Programme to exchange their experiences, best practices and knowledge with other data portability enthusiasts.
With a lot of exciting talks, networking moments and sharing of the milestones achieved during the past three years, we will celebrate collaborations and top-notch solutions created as the result of the NGI DAPSI Programme.
Agenda - 14th December
14:50-15:00 Welcome, Introduction and main achievements in DAPSI
Sara Mateo – Zabala Innovation Consulting - Project coordinator
15:00-15:10 A word from The Next Generation Internet Initiative (remote)
Jean-Luc Dorel - Next-Generation Internet - Programme Officer
15:10-16:00 Success cases supported by DAPSI
CLISK (Benjamin André)
Orvium (Jonathan Heppner)
DYBLI (Normand Overney)
DPella (Alejandro Russo)
DASI BREAKER (Luca Roffia)
IDISS Exo (Edward C. Zimmermann)
DACAPEDA (Frederic Lebeau)
Q&A for all teams
16:00-16:15 DAPSI main insights gained
Najmehsadat Mousavinezhad - Senior researcher and Project leader at Fraunhofer EIS.IAIS & DAPSI partner
16:15-16:30 The future of Data and Services Portability
Michiel de Jong – Founder at Ponder Source
16:30-16:45 The Data Portability Community
*Representative from MyData Global
*to be confirmed
16:45-17:30 Round table discussion: The importance of Data Portability and APIs
Moderator (Michiel de Jong, Founder at Ponder Source)
- Shelby Switzer, Expert in APIs
- Mónica Posada, JRC for DG Connect
- Matthias De Bièvre...