About the project

Project Name: SSIDDI

Self-Sovereign Identity Description, Discovery and Interoperability.

Team: Andrei Mikhin and Josu Rebollo

SSIDDI provides an integrated semantic solution for Identity Management applied to the Self-Sovereign Identity model. The SSIDDI project includes both research and development components. The research component consists in creating an ontology model for identity lifecycle management. The model is designed as a layered structure which is based on the top-level ontology and implemented using semantic web standards for axiomatization and reasoning.
The development component incorporates a web registry for publishing and discovering semantic descriptions of SSI Services related to the Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials. The Identity Service Registry is designed as an Apache Jena application which provides REST APIs for inquiry and publishing as well as SPARQL querying facilities.

Website: www.ubicua.com/ssiddi


Achievements from the first phase of the DAPSI programme

In the first phase of the DAPSI programme

Achievements from the second phase of the DAPSI programme




The DAPSI programme


    Andrei Mikhin

    UBICUA Co-founder, PhD, CIO, Solution Development

      Josu Rebollo

      UBICUA Co-founder, CEO, Business Development


          UBICUA is dedicated to research, development and implantation of digital ecosystems.

