About the project

Project Name: SelectShare

Selective IoT data sharing.

Team: George C. Polyzos, George Xylomenos, Iordanis Koutsopoulos, Vasilios A. Siris, Nikos Fotiou, Anna Kefala, Evgenia Faltaka, Iakovos Pittaras, Athina Katsari, Nikos Ipiotis, Spiros Chadoulos, Stratos Keranidis and Polychronis Symeonidis


As IoT becomes omnipresent vast amounts of data are generated, which can be used for building innovative applications. However, interoperability issues and security concerns prevent harvesting the full potentials of these data. In this project we focus on data generated by smart buildings. Buildings are becoming ever “smarter” by integrating IoT devices that improve comfort through sensing and automation. However, these devices and their data are usually siloed in specific applications or manufacturers, even though they can be valuable for various interested stakeholders who provide different types of “over the top” services, e.g., energy management. Most data sharing techniques follow an “all or nothing” approach, creating significant security and privacy threats, when even partially revealed, privacy-preserving, data subsets can fuel innovative applications. With these in mind we will develop a platform that will enable controlled, privacy-preserving sharing of data items.

Our project will innovate in two directions: Firstly, it will provide a framework for allowing discovery and selective disclosure of IoT data without violating their integrity. Secondly, it will provide user-friendly, intuitive mechanisms allowing efficient, fine grained access control over the shared data.

The project will leverage recent advances in the areas of Self-Sovereign Identities, Verifiable Credentials, and Zero-Knowledge Proofs, and it will integrate them in a platform that combines the industry-standard authentication and authorization framework OAuth 2.0 and the Web of Things specifications. We will pilot a real-world use case of sharing energy related data from two industrial partners. Our prototype will (a) include IoT devices from smart homes and buildings provided by the project partners, and (b) demonstrate controlled, privacy-preserving, and tamper-proof data sharing with stakeholders such as energy providers, utilities, and Distribution System Operators (DSOs).

Achievements from the first phase of the DAPSI programme

In the first phase of the DAPSI programme the technical objectives of the project were fulfilled. In particular the project delivered:
a) an IoT gateway that implements the WoT specification, capable of collecting data from legacy IoT devices and platforms, and sharing them in an interoperable and standards compliant manner,
b) transcoding tools to transform IoT data based on pre-configured schemas and sign them using algorithms that support ZKPs,
c) an authorization server supporting capabilities-based access control policies, VC issuance based on OAuth 2.0 authorization flows, and VC revocation, and
d) a transparent Web proxy used for protecting the IoT gateway, by “verifying” the provided VCs.

Links to our open-source software, as well as a video demo of the developed system can be found in our project’s website.

Website: https://mm.aueb.gr/projects/selectshare

Achievements from the second phase of the DAPSI programme

During the 2nd phase, the project prepared a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and piloted it in a real-world use case of sharing energy-related data from the two SMEs in the project consortium. Our pilot(a) includes IoT devices from smart homes and buildings provided by the project partners, and (b) demonstrates controlled, privacy-preserving, and tamper-proof data sharing with stakeholders such as energy providers, utilities, and Distribution System Operators (DSOs).

Additionally, the project team investigated business aspects and published a scientific paper:

N. Fotiou, I. Pittaras, S. Chadoulos, V.A. Siris, G.C. Polyzos, N. Ipiotis, S. Keranidis, “Authentication, Authorization, and Selective Disclosure for IoT data sharing using Verifiable Credentials and Zero-Knowledge Proofs”, ESORICS Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication (ETAA), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2022.


Promotional materials


Scientific paper:

N. Fotiou, I. Pittaras, S. Chadoulos, V.A. Siris, G.C. Polyzos, N. Ipiotis, S. Keranidis, “Authentication, Authorization, and Selective Disclosure for IoT data sharing using Verifiable Credentials and Zero-Knowledge Proofs”, ESORICS Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication (ETAA), Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2022.


A public deliverable describing the project’s architecture:

Technical materials

Software deliverables:

OAuth2.0-based VC issuer (source code)
python-based HTTP proxy acting as VC verifier (source code)
WoT Gateway (source code)
ZKP toolkit (source code)



The DAPSI programme allowed me to focus on the essentials of my work without distracting me with unnecessary administrative overhead. Additionally, through its activities not only I gained deeper knowledge of relevant technologies, but, also, I was stimulated to further look into the business and socio-economic aspects of our project. Overall, DAPSI was a valuable experience, it offered me the chance to materialise many of my research hypotheses and it widened my perspectives of my field.

Nikos Fotiou


    George C. Polyzos

    Professor of Computer Science at AUEB. Head of MMlab, working in IoT, DLTs, and SSI.

      George Xylomenos

      Professor of Computer Science at AUEB, working in Next Generation Internet architectures.

        Iordanis Koutsopoulos

        Professor of Computer Science at AUEB, working in Optimization, Applied AI, networking, and mobile computing.

          Vasilios A. Siris

          Professor of Computer Science at AUEB, with interests in wireless and mobile communication systems, decentralized trust, and self-sovereign identity systems.

            Nikos Fotiou

            Senior Researcher, working in security, privacy, SSI, DIDs, and VCs.

              Anna Kefala

              Senior Researcher and Laboratorial Teaching Staff, School of Information Sciences and Technology, AUEB.

                Evgenia Faltaka

                Researcher, MSc, working in IoT, SSI, and software engineering. Person 8: Software engineer and blockchain developer, MSc, PhD candidate.

                  Iakovos Pittaras

                  Software engineer and blockchain developer, MSc, PhD candidate.

                    Athina Katsari

                    Head of Platforms at Plegma Labs. Senior Software engineer.

                      Nikos Ipiotis

                      CEO at Plegma Labs. MSc. In Business Administration.

                        Spiros Chadoulos

                        Data Scientist at Plegma Labs, MSc, PhD candidate.

                          Stratos Keranidis

                          R&D Director at domX.

                            Polychronis Symeonidis

                            Software Engineer at domX.


                                  Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Mobile Multimedia Laboratory (MMlab)
                                  The Mobile Multimedia Laboratory (MMlab) is performing research in the areas of Wireless Packet Networks and Mobile Communications, Internet Architecture, Protocols, and Applications, Security, Privacy and Trust, Mobile Multimedia, Quality-of-Service and Quality-of-Experience, Multimedia Multicast and Broadcast.


                                  Plegma Labs S.A.
                                  Plegma Labs develops enterprise IoT solutions for energy management, renewables, smart buildings, environmental monitoring and industry 4.0 applications.


                                  domX is a start-up focused on the development of integrated software and hardware systems for energy management that are accompanied by end-user interfaces and a flexible IoT back-end system.

