About the project

Project Name: The Rulebook: Human-centric Legal Infrastructure for Data Portability

The Rulebook, is an open legal infrastructure to automate the generation of governance, contracts and agreements for data transfers and data portability between the person, the data intermediary, the organizations holding the data and the organizations receiving the data.

Team: Matthias De Bièvre, Adam LG Ring, Felix Bole and Yanick Kifack


The rulebook is an open-source API that will interact with those open legal objects to build the contract between the person, the intermediary, the exporting organization and the importing organization for each data transfer and data portability request. The contract will then be notarized on the blockchain. This API is for data intermediaries to provide their services of managing personal data for individuals under their control.

Website: visionspol.eu/rulebook

Achievements from the first phase of the DAPSI programme




    Matthias de Bièvre

    Founder CEO Visions & co-founded aNewGovernance.org

      Adam LG Ring

      CTO Visions, technology advisor and startup veteran

        Felix Bole

        Visions full-stack developer and project manager

          Yanick Kifack

          Visions full-stack developer


          Visions is a data intermediary that allows personal skills data to circulate between entities, with the consent of the individual.

