The Third DAPSI Open Call was open between the 23rd of September 2021 and the 23rd of November 2021. There were 225 expressions of interest and 147 finalised proposals submitted to the third DAPSI Open Call. This article analyses the 147 finalised proposals, which represents 65% of the applications started.
Profile of applicant
Applicants were asked whether they were applying as a group of individual(s) and organization(s), as a team, as a consortium, as a natural person or as a legal entity. Out of the 147 proposals, 75% (110 applications) were submitted by single legal entities, 6% (8 applications) by groups of individuals (teams), another 12% (19 applicants) by groups of organizations (consortium), 6% (8 proposals) by groups of individual(s) and organization(s), and finally, 1% (2 applications) by single individuals (natural persons).
The third Open Call received proposals from 31 countries. It is possible to see a predominance of German (31), Netherlands (19), French (19), British (19), Italian (13) and Spanish (13) applications, followed by applications from Portugal, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium or Denmark among others. A large number of countries were covered thanks to the communication and dissemintaion efforts in getting participants from all the eligible countries.
DAPSI challenges selected
In this third Call, DAPSI allowed for applications within 6 established challenges. Applicants were able to select between Data Compatibility & Interoperability, Security & Privacy, Data Transparency, Service Portability, Data Sovereignty and Other, with the possibility of multiple selection for the same application.
The distribution of applications received among the different challenges can be seen in the figure below, which shows Data Compatibility & Interoperability as the challenge chosen by most of the applicants (25%), followed by Security & Privacy (20%), Service Portability (18%), Data Sovereignty (18%), Data Transparency (14%) and finally Other (5%).
Proposals selected *
After the evaluation process, 20 proposals have been selected from the 147 submitted.
Budget allocated per country
Regarding the funding that the programme is going to provide to the selected third parties, is worth mentioning the balanced distribution among some countries. The main figures from the call are represented in the following figure:
[*] At the time these statistics were prepared, the contracts with the selected participants were still in process of being signed, so there could be some variation in the data presented.