Meet MULTIVERSE – A team which created multiple Import/Export/Sync options and UI Designer, making it possible to create any app. Learn more from this interview with Lauri Ojansivu.
Can you briefly introduce yourself and your team?
Lauri Ojansivu:
maintainer of WeKan Open Source kanban
4 th most active GitHub committer at Finland
Cloud Architect, SysAdmin, SysOp
CEO of WeKan Team .
WeKan Team:
About 300 contributors worldwide
What is your motivation to work in the data portability field?
I started maintaining WeKan at December 2016, because I had already translated it to Finnish, and imported all my
boards from Trello to WeKan. I prefer to self-host my private data.
In simple words, what challenges does your project address?
– Speed. Using WeKan with tens of thousands of users.
– Importing more data from other softwares to WeKan
What solution are you developing?
Moving code from frontend to backend, so that webpages load faster. Meteor WeKan has about 10 MB of Javascript at frontend.
Moving data from MongoDB SQLite, and later to other SQL databases. This reduces amount of disk space and required amount of CPU and RAM usage.
This has been requested by many WeKan users.
WeKan is used at most countries of the world, and translated to about 70+ languages. Benefit is to all
WeKan users that have lot of users and big boards.
WeKan is most full-featured and user friendly Open Source kanban available.
What are the next steps?
– Continuing creating minimized versions of pages
– After minimizing, add optional layers like end-to-end encryption, etc
– Adding more compatible drag-drop code that would work on more browsers, where it does not work yet
– Continuing making UI more configurable
– Adding many more Import/Export/Sync options
– Merging Meteor WeKan and Multiverse WeKan features
– Adding migrations from Meteor WeKan to Multiverse WeKan
– Releasing Multiverse WeKan to all platforms as upgrade, bringing benefits to everyone
– Adding more platforms, like those where SQLite is available, but MongoDB is not